
A Thousand Beautiful Things Are Waiting For You

The year 2019 is ending, only hours remain and our reflection fills the space until the New Year arrives. For me, there were significant endings during 2019: • I facilitated and hosted my last Carmel Death Café after five years of meeting some of the nicest, most...

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Gratitude Changes the World You See

The book table looks just right with my maternal grandparents’ framed photo, the small pot of Christmas cactus, the wooden sign that says “Family Forever”, the Dove chocolates in an Italian candy dish, and the mandala tablecloth I brought back from Japan many years...

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The Two Most Important Days In Your Life

I read a Mark Twain quotation recently that made me stop and think: “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” Since my birthday is in November (it’s actually on Thanksgiving Day this year) the day I was born...

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The Winky Chronicles

This year, we vacationed for one month on Cape Cod with our little dog, Winky, to fulfill a Bucket List for me. Here are his reactions... July 22 – Today I am grateful for my doggy carriage. My family (Mom and Puppa) and I walked this sunny morning to Centerville...

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When Your Intuition Calls, Don’t Hang Up!

A client asked me recently, “Have you always trusted your intuition?” and I replied, “Yes, but it took me years to develop full confidence in it.” I spent about 20 years testing my faith in my intuition and fully realizing the key role it plays in my decision-making. ...

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Uncommon Wisdom Often Arrives Unexpectedly

Life is such an interesting adventure, isn’t it?  You just never know when wisdom is going to show up, stick out its hand to shake yours, and then proceed to expand your world view in a flash of unexpected sagacity.  It’s one of my favorite things that happens in...

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Now Available: Elaine Voci’s New Book, Voices of the 21st Century

Order your copy of Elaine Voci's new #1 International Best Seller, Voices of the 21st Century: Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Women Who Make a Difference.

This book is for women seeking education, guidance, and inspiration from 50 women contributors who share their important life lessons and timely messages to encourage and empower other women. Behind each story is a woman brave enough to have her voice heard and bold enough to make a difference.

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