
Snow on the Roof

I teach a series of classes called Conscious Aging; the curriculum was developed over four years of field testing by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).  There are five interconnected goals for participants: To explore unexamined, self-limiting beliefs about...

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Animals Grieve, Too

I am so glad we live in a world where stories about animals are a part of our news and our national interest.  We care not only about the stories of our pets who grace our homes with love and fun, but we are also interested in the stories of animals who live in our...

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Vacations Always Open My Heart and My Senses

It’s been only two days since we arrived home, and I can still smell the ocean air.  Every year since I was treated for cancer in 2006, my two sons and their families have gone with me on a family beach vacation, often to Cape Cod, my favorite place on the planet and...

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Love Is Participating in an Alzheimer’s Study

Like most of you, I have some special people in my life who have been diagnosed in recent years with Alzheimer’s Disease, a form of dementia.  The disease progresses relentlessly, forcing significant life changes upon patients and family members struggling to care for...

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An American Road Trip

Two years ago, my spouse broke his leg.  Badly.  It happened two weeks before we were to depart for sunny Naples, Florida.  He was in a wheelchair for months, then on a walked, followed by crutches for more months.  Needless to say, the trip was cancelled (we have...

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On Kindness

On Christmas Eve, my neighbor was headed out to the downtown hospital where she works the evening shift as a nurse, and where she studies to become a nurse practitioner. She and I waved our friendly greetings as she drove out of the neighborhood, and Winky and I...

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Find What Brings You Joy and Go There

“The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.”   Kate Chopin The title of this blog is the same as the title of a small journal I kept while on vacation last week. I love that advice and was drawn to the journal because it features words about being by the sea, such as...

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Now Available: Elaine Voci’s New Book, Voices of the 21st Century

Order your copy of Elaine Voci's new #1 International Best Seller, Voices of the 21st Century: Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Women Who Make a Difference.

This book is for women seeking education, guidance, and inspiration from 50 women contributors who share their important life lessons and timely messages to encourage and empower other women. Behind each story is a woman brave enough to have her voice heard and bold enough to make a difference.

Order Your Copy »

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