Who should read this book?
- Anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one
- Professional caregivers
- Family and friend caregivers
- Activity directors of assisted living centers
- Social workers on the staff of hospices
- Students studying social work and psychology
Resilience Art: A Grief Coloring Book Using Ritual and Music to Help You Grow
By Elaine Voci
Elaine Voci, a life coach and Life-Cycle Celebrant®, offers this unique coloring book to provide comfort and support to those who are working their way through grief.
Accompanying her personal stories and professional experiences with grief and grieving are 24 full-page coloring pages to use in reflection and your own grieving rituals, along with a curated list of resources to draw upon.
Resilience Art is no longer in print. Copies are available by contacting Elaine Voci directly at elainevoci@gmail.com.
From the Author
This coloring book is about the beauty and sorrow of grief and its relationship to resilience; it contains many personal stories and professional experiences that I share in order to illustrate aspects of grief and grieving that I have known firsthand.
I hope you can use them as “nutrition” for your soul because stories are powerful and can open gateways into your inner life.
Elaine Voci
In this unique book, Elaine beautifully encapsulates the spiritually transformative nature of grief by weaving in personal narratives and professional practice experiences. She gently and thoughtfully companions with the reader through grief’s pain while offering hope in light of the resilient spirit we all possess. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is experiencing a loss or life transition and to those who are caring for them.
Amy Daly, MSW, LCSW is a trained grief specialist, experienced medical social worker, past bereavement educator/presenter for ADEC, NHPCO, and various community organizations, and a bereavement counselor in San Jose, CA.
Elaine’s eloquent writing brings her poignant experiences to celebrants and other readers together with meaningful storytelling, ritual, and solid research – all of which inspires us. As we move through and take part in this unique coloring book, a keen sense of awareness and gratitude for life resonates and stays with us. I especially love her beautiful way of encouraging those who grieve to gently trust their own process through the healing power of music and simple rituals. This vibrant and soul-exploring book, her latest work, is truly a gift to have, to hold and to share.
Charlotte Eulette is the International Director and co-founder of the pre-eminent Celebrant Foundation & Institute, a non-profit international educational organization that prepares people to become certified Life-Cycle Celebrants®.
Dr. Elaine Voci’s books aren’t just books. They are emotional experiences and spiritual journeys. Resilience Art provides readers with Elaine’s personal and professional life lessons combined with modern research to inspire and inform them that grief is highly individual, and that resilience is a part of their natural birthright. They are shown how to use the coloring book and incorporate intentional rituals and a selection of their favorite music to help them grow, and to integrate their loss. Locally, Elaine offers Resilience Art Workshops to accompany her unique book, adding value to and for readers beyond the book.
Erin Albert, MBA, PharmD, JD, PAHM is an author of 13 books, entrepreneur, pharmacist, podcaster, women’s advocate, and preceptor in the Indianapolis, IN area.
What a unique new tool for grief support! This grief coloring book is an accessible, impactful resource for those who are bereaved. Readers will discover the soothing, reflective nature of coloring combined with music and ritual, while being touched by Elaine’s meaningful stories and insights. Thank you, Elaine, for exploring the bridge between loss and resiliency. I will personally enjoy coloring with “Resilience Art” and sharing this innovative resource with clients and friends.
Jen Jansen, LCSW, Psychotherapist, Indiana Health Group
There is a lesson to be learned within these pages and it is this: there is no singular “right” way to go through grief. We all experience it in our own ways; on our own time. Dr. Elaine Voci weaves personal stories and professional experience to explore our relationship with grief and brings a comforting message that music and ritual can help us express our feelings of loss and pain. This unique book includes activities designed to help you find a path to resilience that feels true to you, and ultimately regain the inner peace that comes from remembering and celebrating the loved one you’re missing.
Jim Cota is a writer and business strategist who co-founded digital marketing firm Rare Bird, Inc. Since 1998, Rare Bird has helped businesses across the country build their brands, communicate their culture, and improve market share.
Reading the pages of Resilience Art, I felt as if Elaine was speaking directly to me. I could relate to the many descriptions of grief and I felt relieved to discover that my feelings are normal and I am clearly not alone. Elaine’s writing has given me hope, and some new ways to look at the hidden gifts that come from loss, as well as some useful strategies for how to move through the grieving process.
My favorite wisdom in Elaine’s book is that ‘death ends a life but not a relationship’. I love that because it gives me permission to continue my relationships with loved ones no longer here, and to find comfort in knowing that love goes on even after death. Thank you for this very special coloring book!
Gail Watson, President and CEO of the Women Speakers Association, a global network.
In Resilience Art: A Grief Coloring Book Using Ritual and Music to Help You Heal, author Elaine Voci shares moving stories and keen insights while taking you on a visual journey through grief. Elaine’s life experiences bring art, music and the process of grieving together in a way that allows readers to work through their own experiences and emotions using all their senses. This quote sums it up “We don’t overcome grief, it’s more like we make room for it in our psyche and we find a place in which grief can co-exist with our other memories.”
Amanda Gleason is the Owner of People First HR, a consultancy specializing in human resources compliance and developing programs that align with an organization’s mission and culture.
Resilience Art is an amazing book that allows the reader a navigational path to living from the inside out in a heart-centered, realistic, and compassionate way. This path supports a spiritual awakening to incorporate our gifts of resilience, honoring the essence of those we love, and the lives of those we have lost. In these tumultuous times of social transformation, nothing is more important than strengthening our skills of personal renewal.
Judith Villegas, HTCP/I, ISHA, is the founder and program/ educational director of Healing Touch of Indiana, LLC, and a Healing Touch Spiritual Ministries and Aromatherapy practitioner.