Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is life coaching different than therapy, consulting, sports coaching, or having a good friend?

Therapy – I was originally trained as a Gestalt therapist, and coaching is not therapy. The focus of coaching is not on past issues or traumas, but on improving current circumstances, attitudes and behaviors that will lead to an overall sense of peace and happiness in life. If an unresolved past issue is blocking coaching progress, then I will refer you to one of several excellent therapists I know to help you resolve it. I assist people in moving forward with personal and professional goals that will give them the life they really want.

Consulting – Coaching can be considered similar to consulting. Coaches are life specialists, experts to help you be more successful in your professional and personal life. While consultants many times propose a solution and then leave you to implement it, as your coach, I work with you in the time it takes to help you integrate changes, acquire new skills, and pursue life goals to make sure they really get done.

Sports coaching – Life coaching draws from some of the principles of sports coaching, such as being your best and most fit self, surpassing what you think you can achieve, teamwork, and striving toward future goals. But life coaching is not based on competition with others. I will help you compete if you wish – but only with yourself – and I will encourage you to create the life you love.

Good friend – A good friend is someone who wants what is best for you, celebrates when you succeed and supports you when life is hard. Usually a friend is not an objective professional that you trust to advise you on the most important life decisions you face. Sometimes friends are unable to be truthful because they don’t want to risk losing your friendship, but a good coach is unafraid to tell you the truth and is willing to risk being fired for doing so. The best of both worlds can be to work with a life coach you trust and admire who also behaves like a good friend.

Q: Do you help clients with personal goals or business/professional goals?

Both. We are whole human beings and I have been trained to coach using an integrated holistic approach. This is very helpful because if something is bothering you at work, it is typically affecting your personal life, and vice versa.

Q: What issues do clients work on during coaching with you?

Here is a sample:

  • Eliminating blocks and fears so that more of life can be enjoyed
  • Balancing work and personal life to reduce stress and create inner peace
  • Making life decisions that are informed and designing strategies for success
  • Communicating clearly and assertively with their own best interests at heart
  • Improving relationships and fostering trust through emotional intelligence
  • Finding the ideal career/work and/or inventing an “encore” career
  • Successfully managing transitions through milestone life events such as divorce, job loss, health crises, loss of loved ones
  • Facing grief and bereavement issues related to loss experiences
  • Living a purposeful life

Q. How long do I have to commit to working with you as my coach?

There are no set lengths of time, but most clients find coaching more beneficial than they realized and they stay with it longer than first anticipated. I usually recommend a four to six month commitment but I always let you stop immediately if coaching is not working for you at that time. I ask you to sign a coaching agreement that details our mutual expectations and activities. (This does not apply to corporate or organizational contracts which may be for a specific term or project and are negotiated on a case by case basis.) Typically, clients know when it’s time to stop and I support them as they honor their feelings. I do like to plan a farewell session when overall goals and progress can be celebrated, and we can take leave of one another in a meaningful approach using rites of passage or a ceremony of celebration.

Q: Can I hire you to coach me or my team for a short-term, special project?

Yes. Some clients hire me to help them achieve a specific objective or project. Many choose to continue working with me after the initial project is accomplished because other new and interesting things have come up for us to work on together.

Q: How much does coaching cost?

Individual coaching is based on $100 hourly fee. Corporate or organizational coaching is based on $250 hourly fee.

Q: How do we start?

I offer a free 30 minute conversation – by phone or in person if it’s convenient – to get acquainted and mutually discover what coaching might help you achieve. No pressure to commit, but time to consider coaching as an option. Call (317) 730-5481 to arrange a conversational meeting at your convenience.