by Elaine Voci | Nov 10, 2021 | Blog
Did you know that Saturday, Nov. 13 is World Kindness Day? Me, neither. But I am glad to learn that bit of information, and I am all in. I believe in kindness as a way of life; I agree with Aesop, famed storyteller from ancient Delphi, Greece, known for Aesop’s...
by Elaine Voci | Aug 4, 2021 | Blog
Life is a flower of which love is the honey – Victor Hugo Ever have an experience of synchronicity? A week ago, a friend sent me a newspaper clipping about the global crisis in loneliness, and the very next day, another friend sent me an email about an...
by Elaine Voci | Jun 30, 2021 | Blog
I’ve always been a fan of the great outdoors; as a child I loved riding my bike all over the small town where I grew up, and later as an adult, I have enjoyed running, going for “walks and talks” with my family and friends, and taking my dog out for his daily...
by Elaine Voci | May 29, 2021 | Blog
Many people are uncomfortable with silence, and solitude, and yet, these are essential skills for aging well and living life fully. Silence can be restorative, and can build resilience in the face of crises, illness, loss and other life transitions. Learning to...
by Elaine Voci | Apr 1, 2021 | Blog
Emily Dickinson wrote, “Hope inspires the good to reveal itself.” We all want to be better human beings, to grow and to ennoble our souls. It’s soothing to know that hope takes goodness seriously and combines it with humility, to allow us to approach everything and...