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Life Skills Coaching Series

What is Life coaching? The approach I take draws out and develops a person's potential, rather than imposing aims and knowledge from outside. It seeks to increase a person's understanding of himself or herself and enables them to determine their own destiny.

Effective life coaching is a form of change facilitation - it encourages people, rather than trains them. Life coaching is responsive and flexible - it allows for personal transition on an individual basis and at a pace set by the individual, not the coach.

Why attend a life coaching series workshop? The interactions and discussions will help bring out the very best in you and enable you to make decisions that will improve your life. Each of the four workshops will provide insights and inspiration on important life skills topics with practical tools and new resources that can be put to use right away.

What does each workshop cost? Each workshop is $60 and meets once a week for four weeks on Wednesday mornings. The series includes four different workshops:

Managing Transitions -  Everyone talks about "managing change" but change is different than transition. Change happens when circumstances are altered, while transition is the psychological process we go through when faced with new circumstances. Change is external, transition is internal. Much like grief, there are stages of transitions: first come endings, then the neutral zone and,finally, new beginnings.  By understanding the stages, and what each requires of you emotionally and intellectually, you will be able to successfully transition into the new beginnings of your life.  And since life is full of transitions, this life skill will be of immediate and lasting benefit to you.

Living With Gratitude - Appreciation and gratitude are emotions that are life-giving, healing and part of the process of adult development.  Seeing the world through the lens of gratitude brings peace, compassion and generosity.  We will study findings of a 50 year study of adult development by Harvard Medical School, to understand that it is not the bad things that happen to us that doom us, it is the good people who happen to us at any age that contributes to a happy life and an enjoyable old age. Participants will each receive a gratitude journal to facilitate awareness of daily gifts and blessings and will create a gratitude vision board to count their blessings before they appear.

Learning to Forgive Yourself and Others - Forgiveness has become one of the most important words in our modern vocabulary.  This workshop will explore what forgiveness is, and is not, and why people choose to forgive. It will uncover what it takes to walk the path toward developing a forgiving heart.  Research from The Institute of HeartMath on heart-brain communications, and implications for health, will be discussed, and stories taken from the website,, will be studied. You will come away with a deeper appreciation of why forgiveness can be difficult and painful, but also, how it can be healing and transformative.

The True Rules of Happiness -  What makes the human heart sing?  Researchers are taking a close look at this perennial human pursuit and what they have found may surprise you.  In this workshop we will study excerpts from books including The Happiness Project, What Happy People Know and The Art of Happiness, as well as research on happiness conducted by Sonja Lyubomirsky and others.  We will understand the roles of pleasure, engagement and meaning, as well as three Happiness Superchargers.  Participants will take a self-administered Happiness Index to answer the question, 'How happy am I?' and each will conduct a self-guided website exploration on happiness to create a shared group vision.  This workshop will change how you look at the world, and at your own capacity for joy. It will empower you to seek and achieve a more satisfying life at work and at home.

Location: Workshops are held at my private practice located at 11805 North Pennsylvania Street in Carmel, IN. 46032.  Workshops meet from 9 am to noon.

Click here to register online, call Elaine at (317) 730 - 5481 or email her at