Unhappy in your current career? Not certain what the current trends are in emerging careers and which jobs are most in demand today? Do you lack clarity, vision, or courage when you try to imagine yourself doing work that’s soul satisfying? Are you reluctant to learn new things in order to reinvent yourself? This workshop is designed to help you find your right path.
In today’s marketplace, we all need to adopt a mindset of the self-employed individual and accept responsibility for being our own boss, even when we work for someone else. The old “social contract” has been broken and replaced with one that holds independence (making individual contributions) and interdependence (collaboration with others) as its core elements.
This three hour workshop will provide answers, facts, inspiration, and – most importantly – an opportunity for you to explore your heart’s true desires. Elaine Voci, Ph.D. brings superb facilitation skills, and a fascinating work history of 30 years in which she changed careers – not just jobs- more than six times, including one that meant moving to Japan. Elaine has successfully practiced in her own career what she is going to teach you- and nine other attendees- about reinventing yourself.
In this small group process in a relaxed setting, you and fellow attendees will explore:
The workshop is open to only ten participants; the fee of $60 includes light snacks and beverages. Each person is asked to bring 12 copies of their current resume, a notebook and pen, and curiosity, which is a gift of learning.
Here's what people are saying about the workshop:
"This workshop ignited me! There is more to me than what I am offering now. I came not knowing what career path I was on and where I was going to leaving knowing what I need to do. It opened my eyes to what I have been doing and what I truly could be/should be doing. Thank you so much!"
"This built confidence in my self; I know now that it's okay to go after what I want. I really liked the piece on the 'nine legacies of love.' Elaine, you are a fabulous facilitator and a great connector of people!"
"This workshop had a lot of variety which I loved; I found it helpful when we did our team break out sessions which inspired building some new relationships, and I loved your stories, humor and the vocal variety in the tone you used to tell us such great true stories. I look forward to taking more classes."
"I learned a great deal and became excited about the job search process, instead of dreading it. I love the energy you bring and the way you touch everyone's experience to give us all wonderful feedback. Your Nine legacies of Love and the advice to first find a life and then find a job is perfect!"
"I feel better prepared to make a job search by knowing that we hunt for jobs the same way we live our lives and now that I know my own style, I am ready to go out there! Thank you very much for this class - it had a lot of good information and it was inspiring."
"An excellent class! It helped bring hope back into my career change - thank you!"
"This class helped me realize that I need to figure out my passion first and then go for it. The Legacy of Love exercise is a smart way to live, too. It made me answer the key question of what do I want to be remembered for; thank you, Elaine."
"Loved it! This workshop got me think beyond the details of the job to the mission behind the job. I was focusing on the wrong things. The workshop was conducted in such a warm, thoughtful manner and the stories made it real. Thank you!"